Women's History Month – 5 Women You Should Know

Published On: March 11th, 2016·By ·

5 Women You Should Know for Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month. It's time to recognize the often overlooked contributions from women in history. Thanks to social media, I found a great list of women who have contributed great things to society. I watch social media closely and it's my job to share some of the hot topics on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other outlets that teachers, principals, students, and parents are contributing.

1.) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin – Biochemist

The Universic Times posted an article about an interesting woman named Dorthy Crowfoot Hodgkin. She won the Noble Prize for Biochemistry in 1964 thanks to developing protein crystallography, also called x-ray crystallography, which allows us to see the molecular structure of a crystal.

women's history month dorothy hodgkin

2.) Ida Tarbell – Journalist

Ida Tarbell was a pioneer in journalism. As one of the leading muckrakers during the late 1800s and early 1900s, she is best known for exposing the dirt behind major oil companies and those with a monopolistic business model.

women's history month ida tarbell

3.) Rosa Parks – Civil rights activist

The Museum of Methodism honored civil rights activist Rosa Parks. Her refusal to move from her bus seat was one of the most important moments of the early 1960s civil rights movement. After the bus incident, she continued to fight for equal rights among different races.

women's history month rosa parks

4.) Georgia O'Keeffe – Artist

Known as the “mother of American modernism,” Georgia O'Keeffe is one of the most successful female artists in history. The Art Gallery of Ontario informed everyone that her painting, “Jimson Weed,” sold for $44 million dollars, the highest for any female artist.

women's history month georgia o'keeffe

5.) Maud Ballington Booth – Leader and activist

The Volunteers of America Oklahoma honored the co-founder of the Volunteers of America, Maud Ballington Booth. She also lead the Salvation Army and was an activist for improving prison conditions.

women's history month maud booth

Who are some other women often overlooked by history? Which females have inspired you?

Tori Pakizer is the Social Media Editor at SimpleK12.com. She writes regularly about the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms, and specializes in how teachers use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media. You can follow Tori and SimpleK12 on Twitter @SimpleK12. If you have ideas for using social media in schools, please send your information or tip to editor@simplek12.com.

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