Teaching Styles Overview & How to Choose Your Own in 2023
Teaching styles are an extremely important aspect to the educational system. Different students may require different teaching styles in the classroom because of how they process information and learn. According to educational researchers, there are five different teaching styles that fall on a spectrum from teacher-centered to student-centered approaches. In this article, you will have a teaching styles overview and learn how to choose your own for when you are in the classroom.
What are Teaching Styles?
There are five specific teaching styles that have been deemed as the primary strategies currently used by teachers in the classroom. Teaching styles can also be referred to as teaching methods, and are the general strategies that help educate and manage during classroom instruction.
Why are Teaching Styles Important?
Teaching styles are important because students have different ways of learning and processing information. Having many to choose from allow individuals to pick what will benefit them the most. One teaching style could be stopping students from learning the lesson that a teacher is trying to teach, so it is necessary to give students the opportunity to learn that information. Different teaching styles allow teachers to teach in a way that is most valuable not only to themselves, but also, to their students.
1. The Authority Style
One teaching style is called the authority style. This is primarily used when giving a lecture or in an auditorium, as it is a length, one-way discussion. Teachers will lecture on a pre-assigned topic and students take down notes to then memorize certain information. Because this teaching style example has no student participation, it is less common in the standard classroom. The less participation, the higher the probability that students do not have their learning needs met.
The pros of the authority style is the ability to command the classroom, especially with younger students. This style tends to show best results when teachers have clear expectations, are firm with boundaries, and have established rapport and respect in the classroom. If a good relationships exists between students and teacher, then the authority teaching style can be very successful.
The cons of the authority style is that it can sometimes work negatively with teenagers, so individuals who teach to this age-level should be aware. As individuals grow up and gain more independence, it can be difficult to use this teaching style. It leaves little room for understanding or sympathy, and is very impersonal.
2. The Demonstrator Style
The demonstrator style still gas authority in the classroom, however, this teaching style does not solely rely on verbal lectures. It utilizes lectures bombined with other teaching forms, such as, multimedia presentations, demonstrations, and classroom activities. Because of how diverse the teaching platforms are for this style, it works well in classrooms that focus on music, art, and physical education. There is little student-teacher interaction with this teaching style, so it may not meet the needs of all students.
One of the pros of the demonstrator style is that most people, in particular young people, learn by example. Additionally, teachers who can demonstrate their knowledge, rather than only speaking to it, are well-respected by their students. In turn, this builds a more meaningful relationship between teacher and student.
It takes time for new teachers to earn respect from students, and students may not want to learn from their demonstrations as a result of that. If this is the case, the teacher would need to mix the demonstrator teaching style with another teaching style that offers them more authority in the classroom.
3. The Facilitator Style
The facilitator style is a teaching style that encourages self-learning through an increased in student-to-teacher learning. This means that with this style, teachers will not just give answers to students questions right away, but rather, ask them questions themselves. This teaching style focuses heavily on student self-discovering and problem-solving skills, which leads to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. If an individual is considering using the facilitator style, they should think about the layout of the classroom and how large of a class they have. Because teachers actively interact with students, it can be difficult to practice this method if the size of the class is too large.
One of the major pros of this teaching style is that it promotes independence and creativity for students through problem-solving. It encourages students to be more independent and allows students to take on problems on their own, a vital skill to have in life.
One of the cons to the facilitator teaching style is that it can cause anxiety or negative behavior if students are not as comfortable with being independent. Teachers much approach this teaching style more strategically, because a lack of structure could lead to a chaotic classroom. Lastly, because this approach requires participation, it can be noisy and cause children to become distracted in the classroom.
4. The Delegator Style
The delegator style of teaching focuses mostly on group work and collaboration, as well as, peer-to-peer learning. This teaching style is great for classroom subjects that requires group work, peer feedback, or lab-based learning.
One pro of the delegator style is that it is a good teaching style for older students. Because of peer-led discussions and collaborations, older students are typically the better target for this style than younger students.
Some feel that a major con to this teaching style is that it removes the teacher from a position of authority. Because it is peer-led and is a group style of teaching, the teacher may have less power within the classroom.
5. The Hybrid Style
The hybrid style of teaching is a combination of teaching styles. This may also span to teachers incorporating their personality, personal preferences, and interests into their teaching. This teaching style tends to be most popular in the English, Science, and Religious Studies subjects. If you are a teaching looking to tailor tutoring to different students or you want to incorporate extracurricular knowledge into the subject, you may be interested in this teaching style.
A pro to this teaching style is that it allows flexibility in the classroom. Teachers do not need to apply only one style, and they can customize their teaching style to their students based on their individual capabilities.
One con to be aware of is that having multiple styles can be confusing. Freedom to choose the teaching style or styles can confuse inexperienced teachers who may be unfamiliar with the process.

Tips for Applying Teaching Styles
There are some key tips for applying teaching styles to a classroom. First, teachers should analyze their clss before deciding on a teaching style. They also need to reflect on themselves and be aware of the skills they possess and if they have the ability to teach in certain ways. It is always helpful to run a teaching style by a colleague or coworker who the teacher trusts so they can gain more insight. Finally, it’s important to remember that teachers do not need to stick to a certain teaching style forever, and if they notice that there is no value for their students with their current style, they should start to utilize a different teaching style instead.
H2: How to Choose the Right Teaching Style for You?
If you are wondering how to choose the right teaching style for you, don’t worry. Not all students will respond well to one particular style, so you will have options when it comes to the style that you want to choose. It is important that as a teacher you have a strong sense of the learning styles of the students you are teaching, so that you can aim to pick the right one. One way to do this is through professional development training. Start today and find the best teaching style for you.
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