3 Essentials of a High-Quality Classroom Library

Published On: September 13th, 2017·By ·

3 Essentials of a High-Quality Classroom Library

When you build a classroom library filled with engaging books, students get excited about reading and develop the critical literacy skills that are fundamental to future success.

But, how do you build the classroom library that’s right for you?

While every classroom is unique, there are three key considerations when building a high-quality classroom library that engages students as readers and functions as an exceptional teaching tool for educators.

  1. A Large Quantity of Books

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The first component of a high-quality classroom library is, obviously, books. But not just any books; you need the right books — and plenty of them. Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell recommend approximately 300 to 600 books, depending on the grade level and number of copies. First graders might read about 125 books during the school year, while chapter book readers may read about 75 books per year.

  1. High-Quality Authentic Literature







While using authentic literature instead of predictable and linear textbooks as an instructional tool can be new and challenging, real books engage students as readers and encourage learning that is both innovative and creative. A classroom library filled with authentic literature gives you a daily opportunity to inspire a love of reading and build literacy skills by integrating real books into your lessons.

  1. Variety, Variety, Variety

A high-quality classroom library will include a variety of genres and themes, across multiple reading levels. This includes picture books and chapter books, as well as fiction and nonfiction genres. To build a rich and diverse classroom library that supports all readers, be sure to include:

  • Poetry
  • Realistic Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Traditional Literature
  • Science Fiction
  • Biographies/Autobiographies/Memoirs
  • Content Area Nonfiction
  • Graphic Novels
  • Author Studies
  • Popular Series
  • Print (Newspapers/Magazines)

Watch the video below to learn more about the different types of books to include in a classroom library and why each is so important for students.

When your classroom library is filled with the right authentic literature to support diverse interests, reading levels, and needs, you can ensure that all students develop key lifelong literacy skills — and a passion for reading.


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With an extensive selection of over 30,000 titles from hundreds of publishers, Booksource is a leading distributor of authentic literature for K-12 classroom libraries. Our customizable classroom library solutions, including expertly curated book collections and free custom booklists, make it easy and cost effective for educators to build, grow, and organize classroom libraries that foster engaged reading in their schools.






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