This month's ‘unlocked' free training
Go Global with Virtual Field Trips

Duration: 30 minutes
No permission slips required! With virtual field trips, you and your students can travel the world without ever leaving the classroom. Join Dr. Jayme Linton as she shares ideas and resources that you can use to plan and organize these enriching, interactive learning experiences. You will also walk away with tips and tricks for facilitating effective virtual field trips that will engage your students and appeal to a wide variety of learning styles.
Dr. Jayme Linton is an education projects specialist for the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). She lives near Washington, D.C. and supports strategic planning, continuous improvement, and professional learning for DoDEA schools worldwide. Previously, Jayme served as a leadership coach, an assistant professor, instructional technology facilitator, and instructional coach. She is the author of The Blended Learning Blueprint for Elementary Teachers, published by Corwin, and she has been presenting for SimpleK12 since 2011.
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