This month's ‘unlocked' free training
The Differentiation Toolbox:
Helping ALL Students Work Towards Mastery of the Content Standards

“I enjoyed this presentation. I liked the definitions of the various terms used in special education. The graphs and charts were super! Very informative and helpful for all teachers!”
– Lucretia Burr, Social Studies Teacher
Duration: 30 minutes
Melissa Mann is a special education teacher with the Madison County School System. She has taught both self-contained and collaborative students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Melissa is dually certified in Elementary Education and Special Education. She also has a Master's in School Counseling and is a certified school counselor. Melissa has presented for the past three years at Alabama's state technology conference and at various local conferences.
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Free for members
Nonfiction Reading Discussion Questions
As educators, we know that encouraging our students to read nonfiction text has many powerful benefits. We've put together a short, one pager that provides students with 9 Nonfiction Reading Discussion Questions for an approachable way to help nurture reading comprehension strategies.
When we encourage our students to think critically and have more meaningful, rich discourse with classmates, we highlight their true understanding of mathematics and additionally help uncover any misconceptions they may have developed around mathematic concepts.
We know your time is limited, so we've put together Math Discussion Prompts to use with your students.