Vertical curriculum alignment can empower a team of teachers to organize their curriculum from one grade level or content area to the next. Join Michelle Dragalin for this time-saving, to the point session as she shares best practices for aligning your curriculum, setting long-term goals for instruction, addressing learning gaps, and creating a plan to meet the needs of diverse learners. You will also walk away with done-for-you templates that can be used to map your standards, objectives, assessments, and supplemental instructional resources.
Presented by Michelle Dragalin

Michelle Dragalin owns her business “Michelle’s Innovations” and works online as a freelance writer, educator, presenter, curriculum developer, adjunct professor and instructional designer. Michelle has her Ed.S in Education, specializing in Educational technology, M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction. She has multiple certifications in ESL, Mild, Moderate, and Severe (cognitive, emotional, mental, physical ) disabilities.
- Discuss best practices for aligning curriculum, setting long-term goals for instruction, addressing learning gaps, and creating a plan to meet the needs of diverse learners.
- Explore templates that can be used to map standards, objectives, assessments, and supplemental instructional resources.
Special Technology Instructions
Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss vertical curriculum alignment to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion
Learning Credits
CEU 0.5

Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course
25 points
for selected score and over