
Did you know that some students begin research projects as early as kindergarten? This can spark fear in teachers, and when you add virtual learning, research can become downright scary! Join Eva Harvell as she shares strategies for taking the fear out of research for teachers. You will also walk away with a variety of resources to help incorporate research into your curriculum, including some tips and tricks that will enable you to be better prepared to teach research – in any grade level or subject area!

Presented by Eva Harvell

Eva Harvell is the Director of Technology for the Pascagoula-Gautier School District. She has been in the education field since 2002. In 2013, Eva was selected as a Tech and Learning Leader of the Year. She is one of the coordinators for Tech Camp for Teachers; a free, two day technology integration training for K-12 educators held each summer.


Special Technology Instructions



By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 0.5


Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course

25 points
On course completion