
Special education teachers are essential to providing students with the learning activities and experiences they need to fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth.

Join Melissa Mann as she shares the basics of special education, including the key terminology and definitions frequently used by schools and districts.

You will also walk away with a basic understanding of special education laws, the process for determining eligibility, and categories of disabilities.

Presented by Melissa Mann

Melissa Mann is a special education teacher with the Madison County School System. She has taught both self-contained and collaborative students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Melissa is dually certified in Elementary Education and Special Education. She also has a Master's in School Counseling and is a certified school counselor.


  • Explain the special education terminology and definitions that are commonly used by schools and districts.
  • Discuss special education laws, the process for determining eligibility, and categories of disabilities.

Special Technology Instructions


Participants will complete an exit ticket in Google Jamboard to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 0.50


Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course

25 points
On course completion