
Inspire your students to reach their full potential with Flocabulary! With this web tool, students create music videos and instructional activities that promote literacy and spark creativity. Join Dawn Berkeley as she gives you a step-by-step introduction to using Flocabulary. You'll learn how to use Flocabulary with your students to engage them in academically rigorous content built for both front of class and distance learning settings. Please note, at the time of this webinar, Flocabulary is not a free tool, though they do offer a free trial.

Presented by Dawn Berkeley

An experienced educator of over 20 years, Dawn Berkeley currently leads technology integration programming and development as the Director of Educational Technology at St. Albans School, an independent boys school in Washington, DC. Prior to her role at St. Albans, she worked as the Upper School Academic Technology Coordinator and Coordinator of the Global Online Academy program at Sidwell Friends School.


Special Technology Instructions



By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 0.50


Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course

25 points
On course completion