
Would you like a free web tool that allows you, your colleagues, and your students to collaborate and share feedback in real-time? Well, Google Drive could be your answer! Join Matt Bergman for this time-saving, to the point session as he shares how Google Workspace for Education (formerly G Suite for Education) can be used to develop powerful learning experiences for all students. Participants will also discover tools within Google Drive that will enhance personalized and differentiated instruction and receive a step-by-step overview for creating and sharing documents.

Presented by Matt Bergman

Matt Bergman is an award-winning educator, blogger, and consultant from Lititz, PA. He has a rich K-12 and higher education background, serving in various roles, such as teacher, digital learning coach, and professional development leader. Matt's accomplishments include serving as a faculty member at Harvard University’s UDL Institute, speaking at ISTE, and winning the PAECT Teacher of the Year in 2015. He shares his tips, tricks, and ideas in his award-winning blog and YouTube channel, Learn Lead Grow.


  • Explore how Google Workspace for Education can be used to develop powerful learning experiences for all students.
  • Discover free tools within Google Drive that will enhance personalized and differentiated instruction.
  • Explain the steps for creating and sharing documents in Google Drive that can facilitate collaboration in real-time.

Special Technology Instructions


Participants will join a collaborative backchannel chat and discuss ideas for using Google Drive to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 0.05


Viewed a 30 Min On-Demand Course

25 points
for selected score and over