Alternatives to Behavior Charts: It's Okay to Throw it Out
Looking for alternatives to behavior charts?
Struggling to find alternatives to behavior charts? I found a great suggestion on social media. I watch social media closely and it's my job to share some of the hot topics on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other outlets that teachers, principals, students, and parents are contributing.
Have you discovered that your behavior chart is ineffective? It might work for some students, but what about the kids who simply don't care? Have you ever been tempted to just throw out your behavior chart but can't think of any alternatives? Thanks to an article posted by Edutopia, there is. One teacher, who's user name is Kmcrawford, grew tired of the behavior chart. She found it often proved ineffective in improving a student's behavior. Instead of the behavior chart, she posted her class rules where the old chart used to be and went over them often. When students broke the rule, instead of calling out a specific student, she'd address the entire class and use it as an opportunity to reinforce the rules. If a problem with a student persisted, she'd sit down with the student and give the student's parents a report on the behavior. While this didn't work perfectly, it did prove more effective than the behavior chart.
For teachers, or anyone really, it's hard to break away from “this is what I've always done.” However, we have to be willing to try new things, even if we're more comfortable doing things the usual way. If you find your behavior chart just isn't cutting it anymore, then replace it! Keep trying and testing until you find what works best with your class and teaching style.
Can you think any other alternatives to a behavior chart? Do you think the idea of the chart itself was at fault, or was it used ineffectively? How do you manage students with behavior problems?
Tori Pakizer is the Social Media Editor at She writes regularly about the use of educational technology in K-12 classrooms, and specializes in how teachers use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media. You can follow Tori and SimpleK12 on Twitter @SimpleK12. If you have ideas for using social media in schools, please send your information or tip to
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