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Have you ever wondered how to make math practice more engaging and fun for your students? What if you could turn routine math problems into an exciting digital art project? Google Sheets is not just for spreadsheets—its conditional formatting and formulas can be used to create dynamic, self-checking activities that automatically reveal digital art as students solve problems correctly. Join Sofia Guerrero for this timesaving, to the point session and discover how to create digital art reveals using google sheets that will captivate your students, reinforce key math concepts, and provide your them with immediate feedback. Get ready to explore step-by-step techniques, share creative ideas, and elevate your teaching toolkit! Sofia’s expertise as an instructional specialist will equip you with the tools and resources you need to transform your math assignments into engaging, interactive experiences. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Discover how to create engaging math activities that combine problem-solving with digital art reveals. 
  2. Learn to design self-checking Google Sheets that provide instant feedback to students, helping them track their own progress. 
  3. Explore the intersection of math and art to inspire creativity and excitement in your classroom. 
  4. Understand how digital art reveals can boost student engagement and make math practice more enjoyable. 


Participants will respond to a poll question to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning. 

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