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Are you a special education teacher looking for time management tips to make your life easier?  Effective time management is crucial for managing the diverse and demanding responsibilities of special education teachers, ensuring a balanced and productive work environment. Join Melissa Mann for this timesaving, to the point session as we discover strategies to streamline daily tasks as you deal with behavior, classroom work, instructional strategies, and paperwork. Get ready to transform your approach to time management and make a lasting impact in your classroom! Melissa’s expertise in special education will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to effectively manage your time, create a more balanced, efficient, and productive teaching environment, and ultimately enhance the educational experience for your students. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Learn how to prioritize tasks effectively to ensure that the most critical activities receive the attention they deserve.  
  2. Discover organizational strategies that reduce clutter and streamline classroom activities, creating a more efficient learning environment.  
  3. Explore time-efficient behavior management techniques that help maintain a positive and productive classroom atmosphere.  
  4. Gain insights into methods for reducing and simplifying paperwork, allowing more time for direct student support. 


Participants will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning. 

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