
Students benefit from daily routines that provide structure and discipline in their lives, but it is also important for adults as well. Join Dr. Matt Bergman for this hands-on, interactive workshop as he discusses the power of having a daily routine that can set the tone for your day. Participants will also have a chance to explore techniques, tools, and strategies that can help start their day off on the right foot. Matt will also demonstrate some of his daily routines and ways of organizing his time and share those of other successful people.

This is workshop two of three for the series titled “Embracing the Storm.”

Presented by Matt Bergman

Dr. Matt Bergman is an award-winning educator, blogger, and consultant from Lititz, PA. He has a rich K-12 and higher education background, serving in various roles, such as teacher, digital learning coach, and professional development leader. Matt's accomplishments include serving as a faculty member at Harvard University’s UDL Institute, speaking at ISTE, and winning the PAECT Teacher of the Year in 2015. He shares his tips, tricks, and ideas in his award-winning blog and YouTube channel, Learn Lead Grow.


  • Apply one or more techniques, tools, or strategies for maintaining a daily routine that can set the tone for the day.

Workshop Details

While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the workshop series to meet the learning objectives, each workshop can be attended as a standalone. Full Members also have access to view the recordings on demand and earn up to three continuing education credits.

Special Technology Instructions

Participants will need access to an internet device and a non-school, personal Google account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 1.00


Attended a 60 Min LIVE Session

100 points
Achieved for selected score and over