
Google Jamboard is a free online tool that can be used for real-time, visual sudent collaboration and integrates with Google Workspace. Jamboard can be used as a digital whiteboard, a presentation platform, and so much more! Join Lauren Boucher for this interactive workshop and discover creative ways to incorporate this versatile tool into your classroom, including where to find time-saving, done-for-you templates. Participants will also have an opportunity to experience using Jamboard for themselves to create a lesson, presentation, or activity that they can immediately use with their students, so let’s pump up the jams!

Presented by Lauren Boucher

Lauren Boucher is a Regional Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant for the state of North Carolina and a former Instructional Technology Specialist with Pitt County Schools.


  • Explore the various features of Jamboard as an online whiteboard space to organize and deliver course content, facilitate engaging group activities, provide interactive feedback, and build community within the classroom.
  • Use Jamboard ready-made templates to create a lesson, presentation, or activity that can be used to increase student engagement in the classroom.

Special Technology Instructions

Participants will need access to an internet device and a non-school, personal Google account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will share their Jamboard creations and implementation ideas to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 1.00


Viewed a 60 Min On-Demand Course

50 points
for selected score and over