
This is session six of six for the workshop series titled “Designing Choice Boards for Personalized and Blended Learning Experiences”

NOTE: While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the workshop series to meet the learning objectives, each workshop can be attended as a standalone. Premium Members have access to view the recordings on-demand and earn up to six continuing education credits.

Workshop Description:

When you think about choice boards, graphic organizers designed using word processing or slideshow tools may come to mind. However, there are a variety of applications that can be used to create choice boards.

Join Matt Bergman as he shares the concept of Fliphunts, a framework that combines the power of choice boards and Flipgrid!

Participants will also have an opportunity to create a Fliphunt choice board using Flipgrid that they can immediately use with their students.

Presented by Matt Bergman

Dr. Matt Bergman is an award-winning educator, blogger, and consultant from Lititz, PA. Matt has a rich K-12 and higher education background, serving in various roles, such as teacher, digital learning coach, and professional development leader.


  • Create a Fliphunt choice board using Flipgrid that increases student engagement and fosters communications skills.

Special Technology Instructions

Participants will need access to an internet device and a non-school, personal Google account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objective and reflect on their learning.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate SimpleK12 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

CEU 1.00


Viewed a 60 Min On-Demand Course

50 points
On course completion