Welcome 8: Earn Your Bunny Bucks and Bunny Slippers

Published On: November 28th, 2017·By ·

Background Note:  Each new Basic (free) member at the Teacher Learning Community receives a series of emails to help them become comfortable with the site and all of its features. The Community is quite easy to use, yet it does help to have a bit of guidance at first, as there are so many features and tons of content to discover.

That's what the Welcome Series is all about, and we're reprinting sections of those emails here at the SimpleK12 site as reference or for those who have misplaced their emails.

Earn Your Bunny Bucks and Bunny Slippers


Did you know that you can earn Bunny Bucks for everything you do inside of SimpleK12's Teacher Learning Community?  Then, you can spend those Bunny Bucks on cool prizes, including  (well, honestly) the coveted blue bunny slippers.

This short Bunny Bucks, Badges, and Bunny Slippers video spills the beans.  Check ‘er out, and earn some bucks and maybe a pair of bunny slippers!

Questions? Need help logging in? Contact our Support Desk (M-F 8am – 5pm ET) 800-393-4636 x191 or Create a support ticket  here: //simplek12com.wpengine.com/support

Please Note: Basic Member access is limited to the items listed above. Full Memberships include on-demand webinar recordings and printable certificates. Watch your email for discount offers and choose one that’s right for you. You can find out more about membership types here.

You can also participate in free, open-to-the-public Gettting the Most from SimpleK12 webinars.

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