Get Published — Write for Us!!
We’re always looking for new and talented contributors, especially teachers reporting from the classroom.
Why Write for SimpleK12: SimpleK12 provides one of the world’s largest community of teachers via the Teacher Learning Community with over 800,000 members. If we publish your work, you will be noticed by other teachers and school administrators from every state in the United States and in over 40 countries across the globe. We have a huge social media presence and we host online webinars for over 500,000 teachers per year.
Original Work Only: We only publish unique one-time content. If your material has been used on another blog, site, or in a printed publication, or has been plagiarized in any way, we can’t use it.
Approach: We LOVE (as in L-O-V-E) friendly, funny, and engaging content with tons of very specific action items. We try to keep our materials light, but with specific take-aways for the reader. Write as if you’re speaking to your best friend, giving us tips and the perspective from your own, unique experiences in the classroom or the front office.
Which Content: If what you contribute has to do with kids, parents, or education (K-12 primarily, but can be anything), it’s game for SimpleK12.
Word Count: 300-1,000 words.
SEO-Content from Freelancers: If you want to publish something at SimpleK12 just to get links to your site, fagettaboutit… if your content matches what we typically publish, sure, you’ll get links and traffic to your site(s), but that’s a byproduct of your great content, not the reason for it.
Share!: We will share your article(s) on some major social media outlets. We have nearly 100,000 Twitter followers, 800,000 members in our Teacher Learning Community, and tons of followers on Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media. The more you share what you write, the more likely we are to publish future pieces.
Compensation: Once we accept your work, you will be free to add links to your website(s) and social media efforts. We’ll also publish your 3-4 sentence “About the Author” biography, but we do not offer cash compensation.
Questions: Send an email to; we usually reply within a day or two.
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