6 Strategies to Pass the PRAXIS Elementary Education Exam: Multiple Subjects (5001)

Published On: May 17th, 2017·By ·

6 Strategies to Pass the PRAXIS Elementary Education Exam: Multiple Subjects (5001)

Each state or agency that makes the Praxis tests mandatory sets its own requirements on which ones you have to take and for which content areas. It all relates back to the teaching area you want to pursue. You will be required to show identification when taking the test. It will be administered on the computer, so leave your pencils at home.

The Praxis Elementary Education Exam: Multiple Subjects means that you are going to be asked questions on several content areas. They are determining if you have the basic knowledge needed to teach Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and English at the elementary level. Because the exam covers many content areas, it is best to be prepared to your fullest.


To help practice for the exam, check out the 240Tutoring Elementary Education Multiple Subjects Study Guide, which has 974 practice questions and hundreds of pages of instructional content.

There are several Praxis test-taking strategies you can incorporate into your study routine leading up to the actual exam. With an exam this important, it is always in your best interest to prepare as much as you can. Nothing is worse than finding out you did not pass, then having to wait months for the next testing session and having to pay all over again for the privilege of taking the exam a second time.

Follow the six tips below for a better test-taking experience and to pass the PRAXIS elementary education exam.

  1. It is best to walk into the test center prepared for everything that can be thrown at you. When there are no surprises, you will feel much more confident. Here is a link to a short video that will show you exactly what you need to do in order to be ready for that day:  https://www.ets.org/s/praxis/flash/prometric/18204_praxis-prometric-video.html
  2. This test does not penalize you for guessing. Of course, it is always better if you know the answer. But they grade the Praxis exam by counting your total correct responses, not your overall percentage on the questions you answered. So if you are not sure, you might as well guess away!
  3. You may answer the questions on the exam in any order. The computer program that is used allows you to mark a question, then come back to it later on. Sometimes the answer to a tough question will pop into your head 10 minutes later, so mark the ones that are difficult and return to them at the end. You have four hours and fifteen minutes to take the exam, so you should make full use of your time.
  4. As with all tests, read the questions carefully. Don’t stop reading in the middle of a question because you assume that you know what it is going to ask. The question may ask for more than one answer, or it may ask to mark the one that does not belong. Don’t sacrifice points just because you became a bit excited and didn’t finish the question.
  5. If you have extra time left when you finish, go back and scroll through your answers. Taking a look at things a second time around could allow you to see something that you did not notice when you first went through the questions.
  6. Enter into the exam location after having a nutritious breakfast. Food and drink are not allowed in the testing center. Nothing is worse than trying to focus on one of the most important exams of your life while you have a growling stomach. Eat a good breakfast that will not leave you with an upset stomach or having to go visit the bathroom every 20 minutes.


About Our Sponsor

Scott Rozell is the Director of 240Tutoring.com, the premier provider of PRAXIS study guides. 240Tutoring offers comprehensive PRAXIS study guides that come with a guarantee of passing the exam.







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