Exploring Animal Cams, and a Virtual Zoo Tour
Discover exotic plants and animals from around the world from the comfort of your classroom — let's take a virtual zoo tour.
Take a look at the video above as SimpleK12 subject matter expert Monica Burns takes us on a virtual zoo tour at San Diego Zoo Kids.
This website lets you tour live animal cams so you can see different animals in action in real-time. If nothing too exciting is happening at the moment, there are also video clips you can share with students so they can get a look at the animals in action. There is also plenty of additional information about each animal, including their habits, diet, and conservation status. All in all, this site is a great resource for students to learn more about exotic animal species, all within the boundaries of your own classroom.
For more resources on virtual field trips, watch Using Virtual Field Trips in Your Classroom. Explore several ideas for virtual field trips for a variety of disciplines, and discuss how you can use them in your classroom. No permission forms or bag lunches required!
Take a look at a few of the animals cams, and let me know what your favorite is. Leave a comment below on this article.
About Our “Virtual Zoo Tour” Presenter
Monica Burns is an Education Consultant, EdTech Blogger, and Apple Distinguished Educator. Monica works with teachers to make technology integration exciting and accessible at all grade levels. She has conducted well over 40 unique training sessions for SimpleK12, click here to take a look at more videos from Monica.
About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for SimpleK12.com. She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at editor@simplek12.com.
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