Student Agency – Getting Students to OWN Their Learning 


FREE for Members

– Or –

$4 / On-demand Workshop for Non-Members
*The links to purchase individual workshops are available under the workshop descriptions.

Categories: Instructional Strategies | Student Accountability, Differentiation & Personalization | 1 hour (for total workshop) | 60 min/workshop

About the Workshop Series:

Student agency represents the ability of students to play a critical role in what they want to learn, how they are learning, and self-reflection about their learning process. However, getting students to “buy in” to their learning seems to become more difficult as each year passes. So how can we transfer the ownership of learning to where it belongs…with the students? Join Lauren Boucher for this collaborative, hands-on workshop as she discusses the concept of learner agency and shares strategies that will empower students to OWN their learning. Participants will also have an opportunity to make and take a variety of content-specific activities that will increase student agency. 

During this workshop, we will discuss: 

  • What learner agency is and why it is so important

  • Strategies to transfer ownership of learning to the student

  • Ways to empower your students to OWN their learning

  • How you can design content-specific activities that encourage students agency

Series Workshop Descriptions

This is session one of one for the workshop series titled Student Agency – Getting Students to OWN Their Learning 

Now Available On-Demand:

Workshop Description:

Student agency represents the ability of students to play a critical role in what they want to learn, how they are learning, and self-reflection about their learning process. However, getting students to “buy in” to their learning seems to become more difficult as each year passes. So how can we transfer the ownership of learning to where it belongs…with the students? Join Lauren Boucher for this collaborative, hands-on workshop as she discusses the concept of learner agency and shares strategies that will empower students to OWN their learning. Participants will also have an opportunity to make and take a variety of content-specific activities that will increase student agency. 


Learning Objective: 

  • Apply strategies and design content-specific learning activities that increase student agency. 


Special Technology Instructions: Participants will need access to an internet device and a non-school, personal Google account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop. 


Assessment: Participants will complete a poll and a variety of interactive activities to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objective and reflect on their learning.  

Who Should Attend?

Primary Educators (1-2), Primary Educators (3-5), Secondary Educators (6-8), Secondary Educators (9-12), Post-Secondary Educators

Meet the Presenter

Lauren Boucher- Expert Educator Trainer - SK12

Lauren Boucher is a Regional Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant for the state of North Carolina and a former Instructional Technology Specialist with Pitt County Schools. She has taught third grade, as well as elementary and middle school gifted education. Lauren is passionate about the transforming effect technology can have on the teaching and learning experience, and about inspiring classroom teachers to incorporate technology into their everyday routines. Most of her time is spent working with teachers to incorporate 1:1 technologies, sharing Web 2.0 tools with teachers, developing classroom and device management plans, and writing the Latin curriculum for her district's gifted program.

As a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, Lauren earned a B.S. and Master's degree in Elementary Education. She is licensed to teach K-12 academically gifted and will add the Computers in Education special endorsement to her teaching license in 2014. She is a SMART certified lesson developer and a SMART Exemplary Educator. Lauren presents at numerous local and state conferences on using technology in the classroom.

Learning by Doing Teacher Professional Development

What are workshops? How do they work?
Collaborative opportunities to learn new skills and strategies that can be applied right away.

Learning by Doing Teacher Professional Development

Hows does SK12 support PD options for educators? We empower educators with training created by teachers for teachers. Virtual, on-demand, 30-minute sessions, and 60-minute workshops.

virtual PD for districts to offer teachers

What solutions are there for districts offering PD to educators? Districts can scale PD offerings with relevancy for each building and individual educator.

Need to become a member?

Things to Know

Live Attendance

In order to receive credit for attendance and CEUs for each individual workshop, you must be a member and be in attendance and participating throughout the whole 60-minutes. Members who are in attendance and complete all required aspects of the workshop will see their completion status reflected on their Certificate of Attendance and CEUs applied to their profile on their Teacher Learning Community profile, typically within 48 hours of completion.


  • Members can access any workshops they may have missed on-demand. Recordings of the workshops are typically available within 3 days following the live workshop.
  • Non-members will need to pay for each individual workshop they would like to watch. *CEUs and Certificate of Completion are not provided for non-members.


  • 1 CEU learning hour is provided for each workshop you attend.

Anyone! If you find a workshop that appeals to you, you are welcome to join us.

Live workshops are 60-minutes in duration. Attendees will have access to the ‘workroom' following the workshop so they can continue collaborating with peers. Additionally, the trainer is available for 24 hours following the workshop to help coach.

While it's recommended you attend every workshop of a series to make sure you are achieving all learning outcomes, each workshop can be viewed as a stand-alone.

  • Workshops will be available on-demand in the Teacher Learning Community for UpTeach members, typically within 3-5 days after the workshop has ended. NOTE: Non-members will need to pay to access the on-demand workshop.
  • UpTeach members will also have access to the associated classroom to view the participant discussion stream and access any resources supplied. NOTE: Access to the trainer is only available during the actual workshop.

We host at least one virtual workshop per week throughout the year, with the exception of holiday weeks. Times for workshops vary due to many of our trainers being educators and school consultants themselves. This means that typically workshops are held after school hours ET.

We are excited to say that workshops are now included with Premium member subscriptions and district memberships.

Don't have a membership yet? No problem. Get signed up today!

*The links to purchase individual workshops are available under the workshop descriptions.

  1. Internet access.
  2. Access to GoToWebinar. Whether you use the download app or an internet browser, trainers present direct instruction and communicate throughout the training via GoToWebinar.
  3. Access to Google Classrooms. Please make sure you are in a setting where you will have access to Google Classrooms. NOTE: Some school firewalls will not allow you to access Google Classrooms from your classroom. In these cases, you may need to be in your home to participate. Additionally, if your school email address is already associated with Google Classrooms, you will need to use a different personal email address to join so that you are not locked out of the training. Again, due to school privacy restrictions on some school email addresses.

Yes! If you have access to dual monitors, this is ideal. With this type of setup, you will be able to keep GoToWebinar open on one screen, and Google Classrooms open on another.

If you do not have access to a dual monitor setup, no worries! You will just need to make sure you can ‘toggle/switch' between the two.