One Class's Journey with OneNote Class Notebook

Published On: October 6th, 2016·By ·

Our Journey with OneNote Class Notebook…

OneNote Class Notebook

Over the summer, I facilitated an online “Summer Tech Challenge” in which teachers were invited to strengthen their Class Notebook skills or begin the journey with class notebook. Twenty teachers accepted the challenge. At this point in the school year, we have twenty teachers using Class Notebook plus our principal. Another teacher is interested in joining the journey during the second quarter. These teachers are in the science, math, foreign language, English, social studies, and theology departments. In short, OneNote Class Notebook is for ALL.

Along the way, we have learned the following:

1. Creating a Teacher Notebook for each course you teach is extremely beneficial. This helps the teacher get organized and makes distributing material to the class notebook super easy.

2. The Class Notebook Add-in is essential. This extra tab in OneNote makes distributing and reviewing work quick and easy.

3. A teacher can distribute a section group to students and then distribute chapters to that section group.

4. When training students on the class notebook, we are making it a priority to train them to NOT rename pages teachers distribute nor put “extra” material in a section distributed by the teacher. This helps when reviewing work. We tell them “if it's not in the right place, it won't be seen by the teacher” because the teacher is not likely to hunt for the work.

5. Sending feedback is so worth it. The OneNote people are incredible and so fast in their replies. I Skyped with someone today who is helping us figure out an issue.

Thank you, OneNote! May your purple cape always fly!

About the Author
This is Melanie LeJeune's 5th year as the Tech Coach at St. Louis Catholic High School in Louisiana, and her 17th year in education. One of her favorite quotes is “I am always learning, always discovering,” by Isamu Noguchi, and this is why she loves being an educator. She learns the most when she teaches. She loves playing board games, especially Catan.

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