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Have you ever wondered why some students seem to grasp math concepts effortlessly while others struggle? Understanding how students learn math is key to unlocking their potential. Research shows that students’ attitudes toward math are shaped by their experiences in the classroom, influencing whether they find the subject enjoyable or challenging. Join Michelle Dragalin for this timesaving, to the point session as we dive into the science of math, exploring the cognitive processes involved and strategies to make math more relatable and enjoyable for all learners. Get ready to transform your instruction and support students on their mathematical journey! Michelle’s expertise in curriculum development will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to integrate real-world applications into your math lessons and help students connect abstract concepts to practical uses in ways that resonate with their interests and future career paths. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Gain insights into the different cognitive processes that influence how students understand and retain math concepts. 
  2. Discover practical applications of math that make the subject relevant and engaging for students. 
  3. Explore how to emphasize the correct use of mathematical vocabulary in your classroom to improve students' problem-solving abilities and overall mathematical literacy. 
  4. Learn how to equip your students with the skills and confidence needed to tackle math challenges by using strategies that cater to diverse learning styles and cognitive processes. 


Participants will have communication and collaboration and opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning. 


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