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Are you fully leveraging the benefits of diversity in your classroom? Diversity in education enriches the learning experience by exposing students to multiple perspectives, fostering critical thinking, and preparing them for a global society. Join Michelle Dragalin for this timesaving, to the point session as we explore five key benefits of creating a classroom that embraces diversity, including students with physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive differences. We will also address the challenges and barriers faced by students from diverse backgrounds and offer strategies for fostering an inclusive learning space. Get ready to transform your classroom into a vibrant, learning space that supports and celebrates every student’s unique background and potential! Michelle’s expertise in special education will provide you with the knowledge and tools to foster an inclusive educational environment while embracing and celebrating the richness that diversity brings to your classroom. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Explore the profound impact of diversity on student engagement and learning outcomes. 
  2. Gain insight into the barriers and challenges faced by students from diverse backgrounds and how they affect academic achievement. 
  3. Learn practical strategies to foster inclusivity and create a welcoming classroom environment for all students. 
  4. Discover how to enhance your curriculum by incorporating diverse perspectives and materials that reflect your students' varied experiences. 


Participants will have communication and collaboration and opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning. 

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