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How can education leaders create a supportive learning environment that fosters collaboration and growth among teachers? A thriving community of learning enhances teacher engagement, professional development, and improves student outcomes by fostering a culture of collaboration and shared experiences. Join Dr. Courtney Teague for this timesaving, to the point session as she unveils five essential steps to building a robust community of learning that can transform teaching practices and foster a collaborative atmosphere. Whether you are an administrator or a leader looking to enhance your school’s learning culture, this session will provide actionable strategies to cultivate a dynamic and supportive educational community. Get ready to elevate your educational environment by building a dynamic community of learning! Courtney's experience as a change management practitioner will provide you with the tools and resources you need to build strong learning communities that support both educators and students in navigating new challenges and opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  1. Learn how to create and nurture relationships among educators that encourage collaboration, support, and shared learning experiences.
  2. Discover strategies to develop an inclusive and engaging environment that promotes continuous professional growth and mutual support.
  3. Explore techniques for fostering open and effective communication channels within the learning community to address challenges and celebrate successes.
  4. Gain insights into practical methods for integrating collaborative practices into daily routines, enhancing both teaching and learning experiences.


Participants will have collaboration and sharing opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning.

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