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How can you enhance student passion projects by integrating persuasive elements? When students move from sharing their projects to persuading an audience, they improve their communication skills, fostering critical thinking and effective argumentation. Join Natalie Mitchell for this hands-on, interactive workshop as we explore strategies for taking passion projects to the next level through student activism and audience, including how to take a “teach you all about it” passion project to a “here’s why you should care” persuasive passion project. Get ready to elevate student engagement through passion projects that will inspire real change! Natalie's expertise as a literacy consultant will equip you with the essential tools and resources, empowering students to create impactful passion projects that inspire them to become conscious, aware citizens. 

This is workshop two of two for the series titled “Passion Projects: Tapping into Creative Passions While Exploring Reading and Writing Process.” 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Learn how to transform passion projects by integrating persuasive elements that elevate student work and engagement.  
  2. Discover methods to encourage student activism through projects that aim to convince and inspire real change. 
  3. Explore techniques for guiding students to effectively engage and persuade their audience, making their projects more impactful. 
  4. Gain insights into developing students' persuasive communication skills, preparing them to be conscious and aware citizens. 

Workshop Details: 

While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the workshop series to meet the learning objectives, each workshop can be attended as a standalone. Full members will also have access to view the recordings on demand and earn up to two continuing education credits. 

Special Technology Instructions: 

Attendees will need access to an internet-enabled device and a personal Google account (not affiliated with their school). SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will have communication and collaboration and opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning.  

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