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Are you looking to better understand the core components and learning objectives of math standards? Utilizing effective data collection methods aligned with the standards enables teachers to monitor student progress, identify learning gaps, and inform instructional decisions. Join Sofia Guerrero for this hands-on, interactive workshop as we delve into the nuances of breaking down math standards to understand their core components and learning objectives. Discover multiple, effective data collection methods that align with these standards, ensuring you capture the right insights to drive student success. Get ready to transform your approach to math instruction and make data work for you! Sofia’s expertise as an instructional specialist will equip you with the tools and resources you need to unlock the full potential of your math classroom by mastering the art of collecting meaningful data. 

This is workshop one of three for the series titled Data Driven Instruction in the Math Classroom.” 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Learn how to deconstruct math standards to reveal their essential elements and objectives, ensuring clear instructional goals. 
  2. Discover data collection techniques that directly correspond with math standards, making assessment and progress tracking more effective.  
  3. Explore strategies for using collected data to make informed instructional decisions, enhancing student learning outcomes. 
  4. Gain insights into best practices for integrating data-driven instruction in the math classroom, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and success. 

Workshop Details: 

While we recommend that you attend all sessions of the workshop series to meet the learning objectives, each workshop can be attended as a standalone. Full members will also have access to view the recordings on demand and earn up to three continuing education credits. 

 Special Technology Instructions: 

Attendees will need access to an internet-enabled device, a personal Google account (not affiliated with their school), and an optional free Desmos account. SimpleK12’s Google Classroom will be utilized for the interactive and hands-on components of this workshop.


Participants will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding of the workshop objectives and reflect on their learning. 

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