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What types of background knowledge do your students bring to the table, and how can you build on them to enhance learning? Background knowledge not only influences how students comprehend texts but also plays a vital role in their ability to make connections and apply what they have learned. Join Natalie Mitchell for this timesaving, to the point session as we explore best literacy practices to develop students' background knowledge. You will also learn how to guide students in developing the crucial life skill of knowledge acquisition through effective use of text sets and research plans. Get ready to harness the power of background knowledge in your classroom! Natalie’s expertise as a literacy consultant will empower you with the tools and resources you need to incorporate strategies to build and utilize background knowledge that can lead to more meaningful and successful literacy outcomes. 

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Explore the distinction between prior knowledge and background knowledge and why it matters in literacy instruction. 
  2. Learn how to identify and leverage diverse types of background knowledge that students bring to a literacy topic. 
  3. Discover practical, quick strategies to enhance research planning in your literacy lessons. 
  4. Gain insight into how to build a classroom environment that fosters ongoing knowledge development in literacy. 


Participants will have communication and collaboration and opportunities throughout the training to demonstrate their understanding of the session objectives and reflect on their learning. 

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