How to Make a Concept Map

Published On: February 2nd, 2017·By ·

This free tool helps you organize ideas with a concept map. Create digital concept maps using your computer or mobile device.

How to Make a Concept MapToday's video showcases SimpleK12 subject matter expert Monica Burns as she explains how to make a concept map using Popplet.

In the classroom and at home, students use Popplet for learning. Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them. – Popplet

Whether you're using the web, or an iPad, you can create your own concept maps using Popplet. One thing I love about using an online tool for concept mapping is you're not limited to text-only as you might be with traditional pen and paper. With Popplet, you can also add in graphics, photos, videos, and more to your concept maps.

For more resources to engage students during the writing process, watch Digital Storytelling with Google Chrome Apps: Reaching Out to Authentic Audiences. Storytelling is the common thread found in every culture and used as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, and instilling moral values. Today, with the help of social media and digital tools, storytelling has gone global, making it easy for students to reach authentic audiences across the world. Join Nikki D Robertson as she shares a variety of ways to harness students' natural inclination toward storytelling with a variety of Google Chrome Apps you can start using in your classroom tomorrow.

What types of web tools do you use to help students write more effectively? Share your favorite strategy in a comment on this article.

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About Our “Concept Map” Presenter
Monica Burns is an Education Consultant, EdTech Blogger, and Apple Distinguished Educator. Monica works with teachers to make technology integration exciting and accessible at all grade levels. She has conducted well over 40 unique training sessions for SimpleK12, click here to take a look at more videos from Monica.

About the Author
Kimber Thompson is a Lead Moderator for SimpleK12 webinars and a Contributing Editor for She writes frequently about education topics, and is passionate about tools and techniques that inspire young learners. You may reach her with ideas and comments at

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